United We Band ~
United We Stand™
our Homeless Veterans deserve DIGNITY. As Americans we
GRATEFUL for their SACRIFICE. We are PROUD to celebrate and
HONOR their services to our country.
if you ARE a Veteran or a FAMILY member of a Veteran or KNOW a
You feel the same way!

Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life is who WE are.
It’s A Message…
A Mantra…
A Movement…
United We Band ~ United We Stand™ for Homeless Veterans and their Families
H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life is a Social Enterprise and 501(c)(3) #83-3012642 with a mission to help Homeless Veterans and their families with solutions for Behavioral Health, Suicide Prevention, and Homelessness.
The vision of Heroes Helping Heroes (H3) is to ignite a sense of purpose, champion success and drive measurable results to homeless veterans of the US Armed Forces and their families. Through education, targeted fundraising, and serving the community as one, H3 aims to improve the overall health and restore a sense of dignity to our veterans living in unfavorable circumstances.
H3 Heroes Helping Heroes 4Life is a grassroots Social Enterprise.
This is our fundraiser to help Homeless Veterans and their Families.
We do NOT rely on government funding.
A donation in any Amount Helps Us Help Our Heroes!

Let’s Join Forces To Support Our Nation's Veterans
Here's Your Chance To Be Part Of The Solution!
Donate just $23 to receive a Custom Limited Edition Hologram Silicone Band to show your support and say
“Thank You for Serving.”
Your donation goes to help 1 Veteran on the street with a shower at a mobile hygiene station, a haircut, a meal, toiletries, clothing and access to resources for housing, employment, and health and wellness!!
To SUPPORT the H3 national Alliance of Rolling Stand DownsTM with a Donation in any amount, please click on the link to our Go Fund Me page.
THANK YOU For Supporting Our Cause!
To speak to our team about how you can order IN BULK and / or purchase CUSTOM BANDS for any organization, business, college, or program, contact us at (858) 245-1596 or [email protected]
To learn more about our programs and how you can help visit our website at https://heroeshelpingheroes4life.com/